25 Responses to Rafael Nadal Vs Novak Djokovic – Men’s Wimbledon Final Highlights – July 3 2011 – [High Quality]
Nadal was well down on the day, he handed Noval point after point with unforced errors…Oh well Im glad they are good friends, Rafa and Roger cant win everything I guess, but Id be putting money on some revenge at the US Open
One thing is certain – I like Djokovic being No.1 because he chased those 2 players for so long, and he deserve to be the one who’s been chased. All three players, well including Murray in some point, are best tennis players in the world, so it’s fair that all of them should win GSes, and to be in position 1 at some time.
@danielrdrown Sometimes a player can struggle against certain opponents because their style does not suit them. It has nothing to do with who the more accomplished player overall is(Davydenko leads Nadal 6 – 4, while 2-15 against Roger), also that ” at least two majors on three surfaces” achievement is quite artificial, technically, US open is played on a different surface than AUS open, even though both are classified as Hard. Roger is still the most accomplished tennis player in the open era.
All this talk about the demise of the current French Open Champion and holder of 46 titles and 10 majors in really quite laughable.
@fakinserbin Is this the same Federer Nadal owns 18-8?. Federer can’t even play Djokovic in a final anymore unless he beats Nadal in the semi’s. Nadal needs motivation. He has acomplished the career grand slam at 24 young years. He has already done what Federer never will. Win at least two majors on all three surfaces.
Yep we are talking about present, about last six months, not last year, two, 5…. and what about future? Nadal can’t find proper game to give Novak hard time, Novak’s most difficult opponent right now is Federer, no question about it. You say Nadal will make comeback, maybe his knees will give up on him, maybe Novak will play even better when he is No. 1. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Most likely Novak will stay No.1 for long time. Accept that Nadal can’t hurt him.
@LetJimiT8keOver LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!
@fdsfjsdfjjl wait n watch just wait n watch
@bhupeshyadav22 Actually Nadal is the defending champion, anything but victory means he loses points, and US open is his least favourite tournament, first i doubt he is gonna defend the title, second, even if he does, he does not gain anything against Novak, if Novak makes the finals.
So my estimate would be Novak stays n1 till first quarter of the next year, then Nadal comes back with clay court victories, and whoever wins the wimbledon goes to n1 spot again. Yes i know Novak did exceptionally well on the clay tournaments this year, but i doubt he can keep beating Nadal there year in year out, but we shall see. I prefer his tennis to Nadal’s, so i would not mind him winning more.
Nadal is not finished, he will go on to win more granslams and i do believe he will regain his n1 spot, but it will probably take a while, i doubt its gonna happen this year, he has a lot of points to defend at the us open, but after that, it’s novak with the AUS open plus lot of clay points to defend, and that’s gonna be very very difficult, not that many players who can touch nadal on clay or grass, while the hard court competition is certainly tougher for novak.
@fakinserbin If you are talking about this year so far nole is no. 1 no doubt but boss nothing is permanent wait n watch nadal will make a comeback in the US OPEN
Wake up man !!!!!!!!
No1e is Nadal’s executor, how many more times he should do that to wake you up ???
@MrHerbertao there’s a saying that “What comes up must come down and What comes down must come up…”
I bet he got his cockovic sucked later that night…
I have nadals racket
oh yeah and i`ve done a review on it so…….
or novak will throw a racket at you
also while your there you might as well click the yellow button that has something like subscribe on it?
@ujoustasa1941 pokatoliceno crvatsko pseto, danasnji tzv. ‘hrvati’ su izmisljena nacija, koja NE POSTOJI vec vekovima.
ti i slicna iskompleksirana govanca ste genetski otpad – koji prica SRPSKIM JEZIKOM, ima SRPSKA IMENA, slusa SRPSKU MUZIKU i obozava da komentarise SRPSKE klipove po YT.
al’ posto ste vi degenerici i papski mutanti inferiorna vrsta u odnosu na srpski original, mozete samo da nam zavidite. i da nas uhvatite za – DJOKOVICA 😀
0:00 :DDD
srbija do tokija ludilo
Nole nemoze te niko zaustaviti..:) a i bio je dobar NadaL !!
@MrHerbertao lets see him at the us open rafa will beat the shit out of him
@95motherduck LOL. again Nadal’s fake injury excuse. always fake of time out. always ugly gamesmanship. always fake stupid take time. always annoying. arrogant manner. overrated. arrogant fan. sucks Nadal
For those of you faggots saying nadal is going down the drain, remember that he was injured while playing this final which takes away quite a lot from Djokovic’s victory. “My foot is not fine. But, you know, we are in quarter-finals of Wimbledon. Is an emergency, so I had to play” – Nadal
@ujoustasa1941 Tebe je ‘rvat, Simon Wiesenthal odavno trebao da uhvati,smesti u najtamniju celiju i baci kljuc negde gde ga nikad nece pronaci..Vi ste genocidna nacija rame uz rame sa nacistickom Nemackom i jos se time ponosite ali dobro…”Cega se pametan stidi,genocidni mozak se ponosi..”
@ujoustasa1941 Kurcili ste se sa Ivanisevicem i njegovom Wimbldonom i kako Srbi nikad nece osvojiti nista slicno a EVO…Iz prvog pokusaja u finalu Wimbldona odmah trofej,i to sa 1-og mesta…a NASU ISTORIJU BOLJE NE KOMENTARISI JER OCITO 2 GRAMA MOZGA NEMAS!!! Na Vojnoj Akademiji West-Point -(Americkoj) se i dan danas izucava taktika i vestina ratovanja jednog,neprevazidjenog,Srpskog generala,heroja i Oca vojne taktike i doktrine ZIVOJINA MISICA,djubre neznalicko sa Straduna!!!
Nadal was well down on the day, he handed Noval point after point with unforced errors…Oh well Im glad they are good friends, Rafa and Roger cant win everything I guess, but Id be putting money on some revenge at the US Open
One thing is certain – I like Djokovic being No.1 because he chased those 2 players for so long, and he deserve to be the one who’s been chased. All three players, well including Murray in some point, are best tennis players in the world, so it’s fair that all of them should win GSes, and to be in position 1 at some time.
@danielrdrown Sometimes a player can struggle against certain opponents because their style does not suit them. It has nothing to do with who the more accomplished player overall is(Davydenko leads Nadal 6 – 4, while 2-15 against Roger), also that ” at least two majors on three surfaces” achievement is quite artificial, technically, US open is played on a different surface than AUS open, even though both are classified as Hard. Roger is still the most accomplished tennis player in the open era.
All this talk about the demise of the current French Open Champion and holder of 46 titles and 10 majors in really quite laughable.
@fakinserbin Is this the same Federer Nadal owns 18-8?. Federer can’t even play Djokovic in a final anymore unless he beats Nadal in the semi’s. Nadal needs motivation. He has acomplished the career grand slam at 24 young years. He has already done what Federer never will. Win at least two majors on all three surfaces.
Yep we are talking about present, about last six months, not last year, two, 5…. and what about future? Nadal can’t find proper game to give Novak hard time, Novak’s most difficult opponent right now is Federer, no question about it. You say Nadal will make comeback, maybe his knees will give up on him, maybe Novak will play even better when he is No. 1. You don’t know what’s going to happen. Most likely Novak will stay No.1 for long time. Accept that Nadal can’t hurt him.
@LetJimiT8keOver LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!
@fdsfjsdfjjl wait n watch just wait n watch
@bhupeshyadav22 Actually Nadal is the defending champion, anything but victory means he loses points, and US open is his least favourite tournament, first i doubt he is gonna defend the title, second, even if he does, he does not gain anything against Novak, if Novak makes the finals.
So my estimate would be Novak stays n1 till first quarter of the next year, then Nadal comes back with clay court victories, and whoever wins the wimbledon goes to n1 spot again. Yes i know Novak did exceptionally well on the clay tournaments this year, but i doubt he can keep beating Nadal there year in year out, but we shall see. I prefer his tennis to Nadal’s, so i would not mind him winning more.
Nadal is not finished, he will go on to win more granslams and i do believe he will regain his n1 spot, but it will probably take a while, i doubt its gonna happen this year, he has a lot of points to defend at the us open, but after that, it’s novak with the AUS open plus lot of clay points to defend, and that’s gonna be very very difficult, not that many players who can touch nadal on clay or grass, while the hard court competition is certainly tougher for novak.
@fakinserbin If you are talking about this year so far nole is no. 1 no doubt but boss nothing is permanent wait n watch nadal will make a comeback in the US OPEN
Wake up man !!!!!!!!
No1e is Nadal’s executor, how many more times he should do that to wake you up ???
@MrHerbertao there’s a saying that “What comes up must come down and What comes down must come up…”
I bet he got his cockovic sucked later that night…
I have nadals racket
oh yeah and i`ve done a review on it so…….
or novak will throw a racket at you
also while your there you might as well click the yellow button that has something like subscribe on it?
@ujoustasa1941 pokatoliceno crvatsko pseto, danasnji tzv. ‘hrvati’ su izmisljena nacija, koja NE POSTOJI vec vekovima.
ti i slicna iskompleksirana govanca ste genetski otpad – koji prica SRPSKIM JEZIKOM, ima SRPSKA IMENA, slusa SRPSKU MUZIKU i obozava da komentarise SRPSKE klipove po YT.
al’ posto ste vi degenerici i papski mutanti inferiorna vrsta u odnosu na srpski original, mozete samo da nam zavidite. i da nas uhvatite za – DJOKOVICA 😀
0:00 :DDD
srbija do tokija ludilo
Nole nemoze te niko zaustaviti..:) a i bio je dobar NadaL !!
@MrHerbertao lets see him at the us open rafa will beat the shit out of him
@95motherduck LOL. again Nadal’s fake injury excuse. always fake of time out. always ugly gamesmanship. always fake stupid take time. always annoying. arrogant manner. overrated. arrogant fan. sucks Nadal
For those of you faggots saying nadal is going down the drain, remember that he was injured while playing this final which takes away quite a lot from Djokovic’s victory. “My foot is not fine. But, you know, we are in quarter-finals of Wimbledon. Is an emergency, so I had to play” – Nadal
@ujoustasa1941 Tebe je ‘rvat, Simon Wiesenthal odavno trebao da uhvati,smesti u najtamniju celiju i baci kljuc negde gde ga nikad nece pronaci..Vi ste genocidna nacija rame uz rame sa nacistickom Nemackom i jos se time ponosite ali dobro…”Cega se pametan stidi,genocidni mozak se ponosi..”
@ujoustasa1941 Kurcili ste se sa Ivanisevicem i njegovom Wimbldonom i kako Srbi nikad nece osvojiti nista slicno a EVO…Iz prvog pokusaja u finalu Wimbldona odmah trofej,i to sa 1-og mesta…a NASU ISTORIJU BOLJE NE KOMENTARISI JER OCITO 2 GRAMA MOZGA NEMAS!!! Na Vojnoj Akademiji West-Point -(Americkoj) se i dan danas izucava taktika i vestina ratovanja jednog,neprevazidjenog,Srpskog generala,heroja i Oca vojne taktike i doktrine ZIVOJINA MISICA,djubre neznalicko sa Straduna!!!